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Memory Game

Memory Game

R 310.00 R 649.00

Memory games help with all sorts of skills in younger children, even early reading skills are enhanced!

Little green and orange ‘mushroom’ shaped pieces fit into the tray and are easily lifted by little fingers whilst a number of cards fit below – offering loads of memory challenges on differing themes – such as insects, transport, food etc…

The wooden board has two slots, one where cards are stored and the other for when in playing mode (where you slot your desired card) The pictures are then hidden with the help of the wooden lids.


- 1 Game Board
- 4 Cards with double sided patterns
- 16 Play caps

Why has this game been chosen to be autism friendly?

 Many Children on the Autism Spectrum have exceptional long-term memory, especially when it comes to the child’s particular “Special interest”.  This could be anything from names, dates, specific periods of time, facts about space, or like little man, “Bus numbers and destinations”  However working memory (which is more commonly known as our short-term memory) can often be a weakness, which is why many children on the autism spectrum struggle to follow simple sets of instructions, especially if it involves doing things in sequence. Yes, its easy to become annoyed with a child when they seem to lack the basic skills required to follow basic sets of instructions, more so if the child is yet to gain a diagnosis. 

 Ages 3+

Product Code: GOG21025

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